Monday, February 2, 2009

Phelps Smokes?

I read in Newsweek magazine that Micheal Phelps was caught smoking marijuana by a picture taken at a party. He promises he will never do it again and he knows his responsibilities as a role model but isn't that what he said 4 years ago when he was caught for drunk driving after the Olympics in Athens? I think Phelps is a good person he just made a wrong decision that he will have to live with and hopefully learn from it.


  1. Hopefully he will learn from his mistakes this time. A lot of young people look up to him as their role model, so I hope he realizes that and stops what he is doing.

  2. ya he does need to stop what he was doing and i agree with you that bad people make bad decisions hopefully this was enough embarrasement for him and he will quit what he is doing

  3. I think he did make some bad choices as well. I don't want to say I feel bad for celebraties, but I do think it is interesting how they are held to such a higher standard than regular people. That alone should make him more concious of the things he does...

  4. Michael Phelps definitely made a mistake and I think that he will learn from it. He knows that what he did was very wrong. Sometimes people do things that they are not proud of not realizing the consequences.
