Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

This weekend I saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and I recommend everyone to see it! It was truly the best movie I have ever saw. I read an article on Mother Jones about the lives of the children actors that were in the movie, and I find it somewhat sad that these children are still living in the same conditions they were before ever being asked to be in this movie. The child actors are paid not with cash, but guaranteed an education until they are 18, and health care/emergencies are covered. They also decided to provide apartments for the child and their families, but only if the child finishes their 18 years of schooling. I think it was smart not to give the children cash, but I think the kids deserve more than to still live in the same conditions. I was touched by this movie and I really hope many people realize how bad some people have it and work to change the lives for some of these people, especially the actors in this movie.


  1. Wow. Well I do really want to see this movie, I have heard nothing but good reviews. Prsonally I am a bit disgusted that these children are condemned to live the same way they did before the film. I have not seen it, but wasn't the purpose slightly to shine some light on thier poor living situations. With all the money they are making from the box office, I wish they would do more to help them. I agree, maybe not give the children money, but at least make more of an effort to improve their livestyles.

  2. Yep. One of the best movies I ever saw, as well. Loved it. Laughed. Cried. It broke my heart and mended it.
